The defining words of this cycle will be: patience.
Somehow I know that's true. Gotta weed out the dolla-dollar bill chasers from the more principled. Will it get ugly or just long and boring?
Earlier post, for contextual reference:
And the defining words of this cycle will be...front running. Fasten your seat belts!
So, yeah, overall, we are returning to the uncertainties of BTC price predictions, and whether some predictions are overly optimistic or overly pessimistic?
Either way, I become a little bit irritated when they are expressed in too certain of ways, yet I understand that real people talk like that.
You go into the real world, and people continuously talk about things in terms of certainties rather than probabilistically, even if they understand, when taken to task, that the future remains unknown, until after it happens (then it is no longer the future).
For sure, when we got our little April 1 to June 27 BTC price boom of more than 3.5x, there were a lot of legitimate feelings of HODLers, and perhaps even non-hodlers (pre-coiners and no coiners) that front running remains a very significant possibility for this upcoming cycle. I hate to put odds on it, but with such ongoing correction (retracing of those gains), it starts to feel as if front running might not be as likely as many of us perceived it to be. Yet, this whole correction (or manipulation or whatever it ends up being) could be a trick (a BIG ASS bear trap), too. In the end, even given our current feelings of peril and uncertainty regarding when this particular correction is going to stop, we cannot really rule out the front running theory. Not yet, anyhow.
Regarding this calendar year, we only have slightly more than two weeks left, and surely there are great odds that this calendar year is going to be a positive, especially given that we started out at about $3,800, so even with the ongoing correction/retracement, we are currently more than 80% up for this calendar year. Cannot really complain in the the yearly snapshot kind of way, unless we get a halvening of the BTC price in the next two weeks, which surely is not out of the question, when we are dealing with ongoingly seemingly desperate status financial players who have needs to attempt to show that they have bitcoin "under control."
Many of us can tentatively believe that they have bitcoin "under control" until they don't, but of course, even when they lose control of bitcoin, they will, at some point, regain control over it (perhaps at $17k? or perhaps at $50k, or perhaps at $250k), and they will assert: "we got this. That is what we were trying to do." hahahahahha... That should be more accurately referred to as "opportunistic spin."
front running indeed
Saw this jojo post, as I posted mine.
That is what I am trying to say, jojo.
Front running should not be ruled out, yet.
So stop rolling your eyes, or they might get stuck like that. You would not want that, AmiNOTrite?