Damn, looks like we're poor again.
Stay the fuck calm!!!!!!!!!!!wait did i miss poor mode again? man im always missing out
How could you forget about our having had gone into poor mode? Currently, as I type this post, with BTC prices around $64,337, we are nearly 13% down from our March 13 ATH.. If that is not poor, then what is?
I also feel that it is so strange that there are so many ongoing attacks on bitcoin in these kinds of times, so there's gotta be some kind of way to scare folks out of their coins.. and some of us stubborn ones, we are too busy buying when the BTC price drops, so we might not even realize that in the whole scheme of things, we are becoming more poor when the price goes down - even though previously, some of us might have also been pondering over how amazing that it has been to go from $27k to nearly $74k in a matter of 5 months, even though we corrected back down to a mere $64.3k...
and I know some folks (maybe especially newbies?) keep repeating the lack of historical precedent of the BTC price going above its prior ATH before the halvening even occurred.. so if they might be suggesting going from $27k to nearly $74k in a little less than 4.5 months, which surely is right around 2.75x, and so it might have had been a premature overexuberance, but we also had something similar from April 2019 to late July 2019, with a price rise of $4,200 to $13,880 (which is about 3.5x), and yeah that was not sustainable with out some kind of leveling off, so even if these price rises (the reasons for them) and the exact location of them in the cycle does not match with precision, there can be too much expectation of exact matching instead of appreciating that these outrageous UPs and DOWNs sometimes happen, but at the same time, you are not going to get me all excited about even a 19% drop, which would be the measurement of our $59,629 low, which happened to be slightly more than 1 day prior to the halvening.
Shit happens, and who knows which way it is going to go exactly, but it is hardly even worth waking up from whatever else we might be doing to make sure we go out and buy a 24 count of our favorite Ramen.. and perhaps put in our own meats if we really want to deny our poor status.
I see the fees have gone down
unfortunately so has the BTC price
A little bit of a backlog, but yeah sure, they are eating their way back through some of the transactions that had been stuck in the mempool, and sure it will be good to get back down to single digits per vbyte.. if that might be possible, even though I have been seeing some blocks in 20-ish sats per vbyte ..
https://mempool.space/mempool-block/0many of them are still in the 40-ish sats per vbyte.. but yeah, maybe they will come back down if the runes nutjobs might be finding some difficulties in finding buyers for their minting crap or the various other complicated ways of supposedly creating a kind of artificial scarcity that may well not take off as much as some of the early adopters/propagators might be hoping.