Please do not let this get out but if there is anything I fear as a capitalist, libertarian, anti government free radical is the possibility of all of the liberals and governments buying all of my bitcoins.
I wake up nightly fearing that this may happen. What if they get all of the bitcoin? Then we are all doomed and you all know it. Fiat will win. Game over.
Do not let "them" know this dark secret. It would devastate us all and they would walk away the victors. At that point I would surely need to admit that communism is the best and Karl Marx is a genius.
Governments attempting to buy all of the bitcoins remains the wetdream for anyone holding bitcoins.
There is no way that they can buy all of the bitcoins, and it would just cause the BTC price to go up exponentially and in an out of control manner.
When I have been reading about the supposed fears of the government buying all of the bitcoin as some kind of supposed meaningful threat vector, I just consider it as a kind of weak attempt at reverse psychology.
Governments are not going to buy anything that they can reasonably attempt to steal from us. So in that regard, each of us has a responsibility to take meaningful attempts at protecting both privacy and fungibility so that they do not rob us from our bitcoins in any kind of meaningful or systematic way
I agree with this but on the flip side, if Governments dont buy up Bitcoin then they can end up severely behind if other countries decided to do so.
All it will take is one country to decide that they are going to buy up all the bitcoin they possibly can, and just inflate their own currency to no end to accumulate Bitcoin.
Well, surely game theory suggests that countries will begin to do this at some point. It is just a matter of when and likely to be on the downlow.
Secretly buying up as many bitcoin as feasible and buying
ALL of the bitcoin are two vastly differing scenarios.
This will force other countries to do the same.
Of course. Game theory suggests this is quite likely to happen. It's just a matter of when
(and likely also a matter of bitcoin not breaking).
Now the first country to do it will be holding a lot of Bitcoin which will be a real threat to any other country who isn't accumulating Bitcoin. This first country could also then sell its Bitcoin to the other countries for their currency and could potentially enrich themselves by holding both Bitcoin and other fiat at a gain.
Agreed. All likely to happen.
This is why you must hold on for dear life, pat yourself on the back that you are investing in this perceived "risky" asset when the rest of the world is scared to do so.
Oh yeah, for sure. We are all likely way the fuck early to the game and we have been accumulating at relatively low prices, and that is part of the reason why there is NO real need for any of us to engage in irresponsible behavior by attempting to act too greedy and to put our own lil selfies in financial difficulties because we have over-leveraged into bitcoin.
In other words, bitcoin seems to remain to be such an asymmetrical bet that none of us have to kill our lil selfies in the way that we invest in order to profit stupendously on a personal level from our having had invested in bitcoin and continue to invest in bitcoin at whatever level is feasible and prudent for ourselves. In other words, mere normal, prudent and perhaps slightly aggressive (without gambling too much) levels of investment into bitcoin will likely pay off with considerable riches.
We are so lucky, Bitcoin is the endgame for all value, it is the black hole; fiat currencies have no chance against it and fiat will only be bitcoin rocket fuel. The more fiat that gets printed, the higher Bitcoin will continue to go.
No argument or elaboration from me there, except just acknowledging: Well said.
I truly believe we will reach a point where ALL governments in the world will be printing off endless amounts of fiat in order to buy as much Bitcoin.......but guess what? at that point we will all know that Fiat is 100% dead (dead as in it will be a never ending hyper inflation, and all of the people of the world will finally realize that Fiat is just something that loses value, while Bitcoin will just gain value as more fiat is printed) and no one will be selling their Bitcoin for Fiat, it would be beyond stupid because the Bitcoin you sell for Fiat, might lost half of its value the next day if the government decided to print (Digitally print) off trillions more, which will push Bitcoin up to millions of dollars (5-50 million dollars).
Sure that could happen quickly, like in the next 10 years, but more likely it would take a lot longer, and maybe even 40 years or more.
I am not sure if many of us will be able to witness something happening in 40 years, but of course, if you are real young then you might prepare for such a scenario.
So, yeah, you are describing a scenario that could happen, but it is like the best case scenario and with any investment, we have to prepare for a lot to happen in-between even though it might be reasonable to keep such best case scenarios in mind.
Perhaps A zillion dollar marketcap, and no im not saying this because I am delusional, I just think Bitcoin is the black hole and governments will end up printing off trillions upon trillions to get more Bitcoin, but people are not going to convert back, and of course at this point being a millionaire wont be anything special.
Well, if bitcoin shoots up to astronomical numbers because all other currencies become irresponsible, then probably, there would be a need for reevaluation of values into bitcoin.
What about a scenario where some currencies try to compete with bitcoin by becoming more responsible? Wouldn't that delay bitcoin's domination and world reserve currency status?
I would say at this point, if you hold at least .2 Bitcoin for the rest of your life, you will be living an easy life.
Even though I am prepared for considerable exponential scenarios, I also am prepared for much more mediocre BTC performance too.
So right now, .2BTC is only going to get you a bit less than $2k in value. In 13 years we will have had 4 more halvenings, so minimally we could maybe plan for doubling four times which would cause $2k to become $4k, $8k, $16k, $32k. But we have to prepare for both better and worser scenarios too.. I frequently project out 6% per year in order to be really conservative and then the rest is just icing on the cake if we end up over performing, but maybe I don't plan enough for how richie I am going to end up being?
I just get a bit worried about counting my chickens before my eggs are hatched, but I do keep in mind that there are potential chickens in there.
Keep in mind to, when this does go down, governments useless fiat wont be able to pay anyone to go pursue people who have Bitcoin. No police officer, or government worker is going to want to get paid in fiat, they will want Bitcoin, which the government wont have enough of to even hold things together let alone go after Bitcoin HODLers (Arrest, confiscate, etc).
I doubt that governments are as lost as you are making them out to be. Power does not just give up, there is going to be transitionings, and surely some of the no coiner hold outs might suffer a bit more, but there are going to be plenty of rich coming over to the bitcoin side, and they are not just going to roll over in terms of attempting to get their way and to influence various systems that can be done to keep various salvageable aspects (to the extent that there are any) of current modern society.