The price has never had that kind of violent crash this close to a block reward halving & you’re well aware of it.
Market makers take the price where they want it to go.
You are giving way too much credit to those kinds of hypothetical folks, and suggesting that they do not have to go with the trend. Of course, they will push it as low as they can and for as long as they can, but that does not mean that they are going to be successful.
If it were up to the market makers, BTC prices would still be under $500. Several times, they lost control of BTC's price, including 2015/2016.
They give 2fs about "reward halving" or "what happened last time".
Exactly. They do give less than 2 fucks about that, but if they ignore it, then they are likely to get r3ckt as fuck. Pobrecitos.
It probably got priced in anyway.
Very doubtful. Too many folks (even smart ones) don't know shit about how bitcoin works, which includes the concept of halvening. Furthermore, there are still a lot of peeps coming into bitcoin, so even if there are a large number of BIG players that try to price in the halvening, they are not really going to be able to properly factor in the fact that more money coming into bitcoin is going to force their hand - likely several months after the effects of the halvening which includes lower amounts of new BTC supply are actually undeniably felt.
That may have been what the unexpected 400% skyrocketing earlier this year was all about - front running the halving. Now profits are going to be taken.
Yep. You are likely correct that there was some frontrunning going on between April and June; however, that front running only ended up being a blip on the radar because currently we are in the midst of a 35% or so correction that likely is going to be sufficient to rebalance and to allow buying support to catch up. After so much time consolidating in our current price range, you are going to be quite lucky if 50% correction is achieved here (which would be $7k-ish).. and your assertion that $5,200 or even $1,800 are within meaningful likelihood seem to be pie in the sky wishes rather than anything that is even close to likely, especially given where we are currently at. On the other hand, if $8k buy support is breached, then I will give you that the odds for $5,200 have been meaningfully increased, otherwise your assertions that $5,200 or even your outrageous $1,800 are within realms of reason remain quite fantasylandia scenarios, and you have not been out of breadths when engaging in fantasylandia practice, especially given your track record of stupid-ass overly bearish BTC predictions (that did not come to fruition, need I say?).