Is that a dig at the american education system?
The guy is barely literate at times.
Long-winded and disjointed is hardly the same thing as being "barely literate."
Plus he uses too many American colloquialisms and idioms to be anything other than American.
I'd like to see an example of his writing that you consider to be "barely literate."
I'm not arguing that he's not American. It was the "well-educated" bit that didn't quite ring true.
Here's a recent example of his less than stellar reading comprehension:
Only a couple weeks to Q4 and still over $10K though. The only thing I would not expect at all is the price to keep sideways for too much longer.
Anyway... this is (still) fine.
Fine does not equal boring
Boring does not equal fine
Not in bitcoinlandia.
Get a grip, or I am sending batman out.
There was no claim of a necessary relationship between the two. Just that the two occurred at the same time.
For someone so fond of writing you're quite shit at reading.
On a different note. Nice to see you're working on that brevity thing. Could still cull some dead space though.
You can also look at this older text:
This is hardly academic level writing. This was before evil JJG was born. JJG Mark I was mostly polite and considerate. He turned cruel around the Blocksize debacle, which might indicate that he was quite young back then.
This example was kinda readable, but there are other walls of text with literally no content. If you do find them you should lean back and marvel at their glory. Warning: they may lead to a massive headache.