Despite being Italian, fillippone is not a total cunt. Read his beginner's guide. No short cuts, read it all
Oh thanks,
Not 100% cunt then.
Ok, that’s a start...I have room to improve (toward 0%)
Don't take it too hard... Everyone is a bit of a cunt
Except the French, they're massive cunts Well they are blocking Libra, give some credit them.
France and Germany agree to block Facebook's LibraPARIS (Reuters) - France and Germany have agreed to block Facebook’s Libra cryptocurrency, the French finance ministry said on Friday.
In a joint statement, the two governments affirmed that “no private entity can claim monetary power, which is inherent to the sovereignty of nations”.
French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire said on Thursday that Facebook’s new cryptocurrency should not be allowed to operate in Europe while concerns persist about sovereignty and persistent financial risks.
And they did make microshaft change data collection practices IIRC so gotta give them credit for that.
Now if they would only bathe.Or maybe no one will EVER understand what the fuck bitcoin actually is.
Right, like that's really a
private key underneath that scratcher? Pretty fucking lazy scam if you ask me.
I don't think that they are complete morons.
There must be an explanation that makes it something that can work, at least theoretically.
Upon further check, there is a procedure, not sure how well it would work.
First, passphrase is printed, then covered, then encrypted key unlocked by the passphrase is randomly generated at the second location.
They claim that after wallet's private key (encrypted) is printed on the wallet, the data is destroyed (at their end).
TL;DR they generate the passphrase and an encrypted private key in two different geographic locations, then apply both (together or in sequence?) to the wallet printout/etching.
Or we can just trust Zcashes trusted setup?
Sorry I couldn't hold back.
I think my meds all kicked in at once this morning!The only bankster I trust is myself because I am my own bank.
I'm not sure I trust myself now!
And If I ever become my own Lawyer I will have to kill myself.
Hmm come to think of it I may have taken too many of the red pills this morning...