As a miner i am glad still above 10.
If i was a speculator i would be shocked if still above 10 by christmas.
i guess miners make for poor speculators then, i see that as a good sign
It's hard to forget that every coin at some point belongs to a miner, I'm disappointed in you.
when miners sell thinking " muahahah FREE MONEY ... minus electric bill i made profit
", I lol
I think miners are more pragmatic and logical then speculators. I say this through reading many many mining threads that a lot of miners do not see the huge value with btc in current bitcoin economy. We suck usd out non stop and never bring it back. This is prob due to us seeing it as a speculative business that requires roi, fixed costs, hardware assets, etc... People who buy btc to hopefully sell for more later are just looking for the bigger fool. Sounds harsh but it is basically true. We have a plan if btc fails by selling assets and know we wont lose everything. speculators in btc, not necessarily traders, those true believers may very well ride it down to pennies on the dollar. Or it could goto the moon. Miners want a fair return on investment and do not shoot for the moon. We are more reasonable and calculated based on possible outcomes.
So saying we are poor speculators is untrue. The amount of money i put in and my return is probably greater then yours. The turtle, boring turtle, can win the race over the rabid speculative rabbit.
what is the "current bitcoin economy"
did you factor in the 60 bitcoin i send as payment to my dad?
how about the 1 bitcoin i traded for 1 gram of weed?
how could you know, these trades never and will probably never hit the exchange, a lot of my trades didn't even hit the blockchain (Casascius coins to buy into friendly poker games).
I think everyone is totally underestimating the economy, because its not very big, and its spared thin through out the globe. So from any small shop's perceptive, bitcoin economy is very small, but small things add up quick ...
Small? It is tiny when one gambling site can make up a significant portion of transactions per day. Another good chunk of those transactions are pools, miners, and exchanges. What is left really? About 10k other transactions which still are mostly nothing much to get excited about. Lets be generous and say another 5k of transactions off the blockchain. So after all this time we are still at the point of 15k transactions per day yet somehow btc is worth 11ish each? Insanity. 5 is still too high. 10 million plus btc mined times 11 usd and we see 15k of transactions?
In my opinion 3000 transaction per day of quality examples of bitcoins use take place. 3 measily thousand.
And by quality i mean no silk road, no gambling, no pools, miners, exchanges, shuffling btc around to diff wallets, mixing stolen btc, testing/experimenting, speculation etc... by quality i mean selling legal goods, pay for hire, etc...
So yea... i do not see a huge value and others do too. So far the growth of transactions has been in areas that are disappointing to say the least.
But hey.... As long as i can make a buck i am cool with it.