Go to school to get a cheap student loan! You don't actually have to attend school, just get the loan. Buy buy buy!
I know a real person who is going to take some young family loan or whatever to secretly buy bitcoins. It was originally his idea but I obviously encouraged him to do it when I heard of his plans. Fact is that if you don't take risks you won't achieve shit. So, in a sense I am serious but the advice I just gave makes me laugh due to it being utterly irresponsible. I think it's ok to take a loan to buy bitcoins if you can afford to lose them and often cases people won't actually have their fingers chopped if they can't pay back the loan. The world doesn't end. It's worth it to take the chance that appears once in a lifetime.
I think it's one thing to put your money on something being successful in the future, and putting money you loaned onto something. Sure, you may end up as the winner, but you may just as well end up on the streets, like... literally.