The title might confuse many people into believing that the article is merely another negative essay written to misinform and gaslight its readers. It's probably an article written by someone who is, or probably WAS against Bitcoin, BUT also probably has accepted the fact that it is not going away.
At least he was not afraid to use the word "Bitcoin" in the main title, but then still devolved into putting that dumb-ass meaningless term into the subtitle. The title itself must be worth something in terms of showing how scared "they" are.
Pardon those people. Because they are economists and "scholars" of an old system, for them it will probably take 10 more years before they could finally accept Bitcoin in its totality as the next evolutionary step for money.
it is not uncommon for the older generation to reject ideas especially new ones because they think that their way is always the better one and probably the best too but economists or scholars as you call them being skeptical about new ways surprises me mainly because economists should know that there is nothing constant with markets and they are always fluctuating which goes the same way for trends and other systematic inventions
maybe in the next few years, even as early as next year, those who are still quite skeptical of bitcoin can finally realize that this is now the future