Wann werden "Bitcoin relevante" Quantencomputer existieren, bzw. werden überhaupt "Bitcoin relevante" Quantencomputer existieren? Es wird so viel investiert in diese Technologie, dass sich die Bitcoin Community damit befassen sollte.
Quantencomputer ein Risiko für die Blockchain?
https://www.blockchain-insider.de/quantencomputer-ein-risiko-fuer-die-blockchain-a-897959/"Experten gehen davon aus, dass Quantencomputer bis zum Jahr 2030 bereits aktiv und in vollem Umfang im Einsatz sein werden."
Zur zeitlichen Einordnung: wenn Moore's Law auch auf Quantencomputer zutrifft, dauert es also, je nach Interpretation, mindestens 25, eher 35 Jahre, bis man die Anzahl der QBits erreicht.
Quantum computing boost for IBM but Bitcoin stays safe https://decrypt.co/16211/quantum-computing-boost-for-ibm-but-bitcoin-stays-safeIBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer but Bitcoin's encryption is still far from being broken.
"IBM has doubled the power of its quantum computer. At yesterday's CES 2020 conference, the company announced it had successfully achieved a Quantum Volume of 32 using its
28-qubit quantum computer known as Raleigh."
"As a network built entirely around cryptographically secured transactions, it stands to reason that a sufficiently powerful quantum computer could eventually crack the encryption used to generate Bitcoin private keys. However, according to a June 2017 paper by Martin Roetteler and several co-authors, such as a machine would need to command approximately
2,500 qubits of processing power to break the 256-bit encryption used by Bitcoin."
Interesting. I know 2500 is far from current 28 qubit but it still scares me a little. Not long ago I've read about 11-qubit quantum computer. How long do you think it will take to develop 2500 qubit computer? I hope Moore's law doesn't apply here.
Will Quantum Volume Be The Next Moore’s Law?
https://www.designnews.com/design-hardware-software/will-quantum-volume-be-next-moore-s-law/62963653562205Doubling performance every year is now the benchmark for quantum computers as designers look to EDA vendors for new automation tools.
IBM’s Rasit Onur Topaloglu: "I am not going to project when we will reach 200 qubits, but we already have an 80 qubits architecture."
According to the chart: 2500 qubits reached by year 2025
We have to begin with the implementation of quantum resistant Bitcoin addresses soon.
Quantum computing could end encryption within five years, says Google boss