To reach $1? With the supply of 88,226,595,341 IFC, you would need a market cap of over 88 Billion, have fun trying to achieve that.
With a Global Economy roughly at 470 Trillion I see IFC reaching 1USD a piece very feasible. Especially when you have a cryptocurrency which is a verifiable fund.
thank you! i dont know why people are so obsessed with "MARKET CAP". did the current btc cap seem possible to these guys just a year ago?
People are obsessed with market cap because it's actually a useful metric as opposed to the price of an unit.
For example suppose I have a crypto with 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 coins, by the logic in the this thread if it's almost as good as bitcoin it could reach a price of 1c per coin??
NO!!, that's ridiculous, that would mean that all the coins together would be worth $1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000!
I mean it is technically possible for IFC to reach $1 per coin, but for that to happen tens of trillions of dollars would have to be pumped into crypto currencies and every other coin would be about $10 - $10000 each, because just about every other crypto has less coins than IFC so each coin is worth more.
This is why everybody uses market cap for comparisons.