With a bit of php knowledge you can easily make your own 5 line script checking any websites fairness.
Look at my code for generating random numbers (pretty similar to other websites)
$hash = hash_hmac('sha512','TXID:BETS', 'SECRETKEY');
$firstfive = hexdec(substr($hash, 0, 5));
if($firstfive > 1000000) {
$firstfive = hexdec(substr($hash, 6,5));
echo $firstfive/10000;
I take the TXID of the bet, the amount of bets, and then the daily secret key which the hash of the secret key is stored for people to check the next day. If the hash of the secret key matches the one shown on the list, that means the secret key was indeed used. These pieces of data are hashed together in sha512 using hmac. I take the first 5 digits of that hash and convert it from hexadecimal to decimal. This gives a number that 98% of the time is under 1000000 (if it isnt I take the next 5 digits), and then divide that number by 10000 and I get a two digit number out of a hundred with some decimal places. The next day the user can verify their bet by pasting in their TXID, their amount of bets, and then the secret key that is released the next day, and then run it through the script. If the echod number matches the number that was used on the gambling site, I was indeed telling the truth and their bet was fairly made. Every website explains their own method of fair betting.