Yes! Price?
Good job man. really you have do this with awesomeness. however, will you guide us free? or take charge for this from us? I am also a crypto trader but not a regular trader.every week i make some money with my trade.but it will be nice if you share your strategy with us.
Had been looking for this from a few days. I need to learn more about trading cryptos and strategies that work and strategies that don't.
When and how are you going to start this and are you willing to provide this service for free or are you going to charge for it. You should have mentioned this in your post as you know that this will be the first question you will be getting from us. Really curious to know why your trading journey is over. Trading is so much fun.
Hey guys, so since this guide's strategies will be IN DEPTH and since I've lost $1000s over the past 3 years to learn the right way of trading, I will definitely be charging for it. Here's a link that shows how much Pro Traders such as myself charge for their consulting services BY THE HOUR. think 0.1 BTC for a guide that comprehensively covers everything and offers lifetime support for an extra 0.1 BTC would be more than fair. What do you guys think?
Once again, this is not a buying and selling cryptos gamble where you analyzing charts. This is will show how you can guarantee a 5-7% return on your BTC every single day by safely selling for a USD margin.