You do realize that even if it is as you say and there is no ulterior motive for buying old bitcoin addressess off others that the other party will still have access to the old address's private key, correct? Even if your true motive really is to just collect the addresses, you are technically just sharing it, really. Furthermore, would you be willing to take old addresses that are no longer eligible for CLAMs, in that case? I'm just trying to clear the air, here.
Exactly. Claiming that you are a collector of old addresses when you are just trying to dig for clams, or bitcoin cash/btg is just untrustworthy behaviour. Would you be able to accept old addresses without clams then?
For anyone that has an address with clams in it - you'll be able to get 4.6 clams per address.
That is almost $30 per address instead of $5 per address that you get here.