I don't think it's about racism.
In order to live well in Europe and the USA, there must be a war in Africa. This helps to take the most resources at a very low cost.
This is serious and what can be more racist than this? Is it that the Europe and US depend on the raw material from Africa to the extent that they will be allowed into war so they will be sucked off their resource to persecute the war. The growth being stagnated because of these wars, no country progresses with political instability and economic misdirection. This challenges have bedeviled the continent but the countries there have no proper leadership direction and that is the problem of Africa.
I understand the history of US independence in 1776 yes and the fact that they are trying to hold on to power against the close rivals of Russia and China.
I also understand that during the scramble for Africa era regarding slave trades and more, that Africa was the source of raw material including human labour for Europe, but is China having any connection in the past with Ethiopia ? Except this current economic struggle for Africa trading space. I remember Ethiopia wasn't colonized.
Ukrainian army isn't the largest in Europe. I was reading 50 most powerful military in the world , Ukraine was number 25th while Russia was 2nd after USA (1st) and before China (3rd).
I watched this from SnapTube but I don't like warfare, I like the world to be in peace but I know that isn't possible
"The finalized Global Firepower ranking below utilizes over 50 individual factors to determine a given nation's PowerIndex ('PwrIndx') score with categories ranging from military might and financials to logistical capability and geography."
I was talking about quantification. There is a lot of old equipment in Russia from the 1940s to the 1980s, and the same thing happened in many former Soviet republics.
Example. Shooting down a drone that costs several hundred dollars is very expensive with modern air defenses, but very cheap with 1950s anti-aircraft guns.
Sometimes quantity beats quality.