If Ukraine ever had elections that weren't manipulated by the vote counters, the people and government would have become friends with Russia long ago, and the war would have not been needed to protect Russia from Stalin-like Ukrainian government usurpers moving against Russia.
There is definitely a logic of Lies here. Not one word is true. This lie about Ukraine planning to attack Russia is a perfect example of classic Absurdity.
Do you really think that when the Ukrainian government/military moved against Russians and Russian friendly Ukrainians in Donbas for the last 14 years... do you really believe that this was not an attack on Russia? Russia and the Ukraine have been sister nations for decades and decades. Pushing Russia into a civil war isn't the way you treat family.
Of course, it was the US leaders and others like them that were behind it all. The CIA was behind the counting of the votes, and the 3 (more?) coups that made it look like the Ukrainian people were dead set against Russia. And it was done for money.
Search on the three big US corporations that have bought up 60% of Ukrainian farmland since 2014. The US is simply protecting their interests, and conquering Ukraine, and making it look like sister Russia is the demon.
So, when did Ukraine attack Russia?