The site was created ten days ago, and uses within many links to the original Ledger site, as is a custom on these scam sites. What it does is ask for the 24 word mnemonic, without even bothering to provide a proper credible excuse other. Additionally, it keeps on displaying a pop-up that asks you for your email to join an alleged crypto community. The programming logic is pretty bad, and makes one wonder why they bothered to make such a poor attempt instead of polishing it further to make it slightly credible.
Perhaps the scammers behind is too lazy to make it credible and just think of people who are going to fall for their gimmick. As much as we always pitch people to really be careful on every site their visited, many are still falling for this simply but effective trick in scammers book.
I check for the backlinks and see where these guys are advertising, again, maybe they don't really bother at all, they are just waiting for someone to fall for it. Another good catch from the OP.