A little update!
- They made bounty telegram group private so you can't join the group using username/ID
- Everyone complained about bounty/price got kicked out
- And seems like the admin (possible SEO of the project) doesn't really want to do the distribution. Asking member to create even more scam accusations
- They gave promise to get listed on new exchange called Lbank on 06-05-2020 as @bitbollo said. The date is already passed and we all know it's not happening.
- During the last month (30 days ago) the price dropped by -29% and the ROI dropped as low as -99.96%!
- Lbank didn't even mention them after Dec 13, 2019.
https://twitter.com/search?q=blockburn%20(from%3ALBank_Exchange)&src=typed_query- The rank on coinmarketcap fallen to 1713 and it's trading for $0.000061 with low value as $22,378 on best exchange
- I somehow got accesses to the bounty chat and unfortunately I saw none is answering users, the chat seems dead to staff members.
Bounty hunters just lost their valuable time. But, I really feel sorry for the investors.