none of them post hard rules they make em up as they go along and they are brats drunk on altcoin exchange power..
i have been banned with no warning or explanation at Cryptsy many times and i think its because
they got tired of me making fun of the reasons why (they have given me in the past)
such as "I'm not the mood for you" i got from one lol
1 week ago i was banned for 24 hrs because i pointed out how a mod used his admin power to start an argument with me
then threatened me when i tried to prove myself.. and after i proved it there was nothing but silence
then i said fuck this i'm out and laughed at how a mod used his power to win arguments i seen nothing and left..
when i came back like 6 hrs later it said your banned for an hour.. then again and again every 6 hours for 24 hrs roughly.
Childish and unprofesional !
I never did get an explanation in anyway why i was banned or warned etc.. they banned me after i left
not an isolated incident.. mods on all these places are idiots that think they are all important and shit because they can ban you.
kids lol