Not only that, sold his gold to invest in btc. True believer bagholder right here.
yes, bought silver btwn $9-12 and sold at $44. bought gold at $550 and sold btwn $1550 and $1650. nice healthy returns all plowed into Bitcoin. play money.
First $1000 bag at around $4.30 iirc, and more thereafter. The yellow one I started in at the 'big decline' at around $375 if my memory serves, and had to take a loss for some number of months. I've not sold almost any, so I'm still a 'bag holder' in a fairly literal sense. Switched over to property this year although I expect to sit on a loss there for a few years but kind of break even on rental income.
But the salary keeps rolling in so I've been taking a position in BTC to see what happens there. It's a much more exciting investment and it is my fondest hope that 1) it will live and become a game-changer, and 2) that I will have enough of a position to contribute to making the game go the right way even if it means a personal monetary loss. Both are what I consider to be very long shots.
If I sell BTC or PM's, I will end up with USD which I don't need and tax hassles which I don't want so it is pointless to me. Plus, I don't think that the fireworks in PM's have even started yet. BTC...not so sure