Yes, make update, why did you ban me? Who stole and how WARPS? Who hacked your forum?
You are being reported for trolling this thread. There's nothing that I have to explain to you, besides the fact that I remove inactive/suspicious users from slack channel.
I have zero idea who is telling you this stuff. You did not hear it from me.
The forum wasn't hacked, it was bombarded with spam by a TOR user. The faucet was abused by the same TOR user. The dice was abused by the same TOR user - that used the same IP to list his WARP address on the crowdfund page, using google cache. This user was traced. It appears he has a very shady online presence. I have details about this user. And I will take action if I continue to be bothered.
Great, now we come closer. Will be great to see if someone from bitcointalk will ban me because you spread lies.
Well, back to your explanation. Pleaser post now this wallet address from investors, IP addresses that seemed to spam your forum, show us this spam and how do you connect it to the IP. Then you could post details about this user, this would be called doxx btw and is not legal.
Now you talk in third person about me, but I know that it wasn't me, you still do not know and seems like that you only assume.
Post this info that you threat me with here, be transparent.