Then there are people like Craig Wright, from Bitcoin's flat-earth community, who tell you to sell your Bitcoin, maybe to them, to HODL an alt-alt-shitcoin, and they gaslight you that it's the "real Bitcoin". That's who we should be more concerned about.
I wouldn't tell people to sell their house to buy Bitcoin, but if Bitcoin is truly our hedge/fall-back/opt out mechanism in case the government can't maintain economic stability anymore. Then I believe selling the house to HODL Bitcoin MIGHT not be a bad proposition.
I can see the temptation when witnessing the extremism of Faketoshi to then adopt the opposite extreme, but that's seldom a healthy path. We can easily combat the FUD without
overselling the benefits of Bitcoin. It's generally best to maintain a healthy dose of realism, since this is all still a little bit experimental.
There's almost a potential of legitimising your opponent if you begin to resort to the same style of tactics they use. Avoid lowering yourself to their level. We don't need to become militant or adopt high-pressure sales tactics. That's just going to put people off and make them think we're as crazy as Faketoshi.