This is not possible, everything has a price and that means everything, the concept of money is in fact similar to the units of reference we use to measure stuff, so in the same way we have inches or gallons in one system and centimeters and liters on another we use dollars, euros and bitcoin to measure not only the value of stuff but the value of those units of reference among themselves, as such it is impossible for bitcoin to not have a price itself unless all the other currencies were eliminated, which we know is not possible.
its not a question about getting rid of "a price".. its a question of why does the price need to be dollar presented
just imagine if instead of forcing chinese, indian, african to measure btc against dollar.. the whole world seen btc at a moving 'price' based on seconds, minutes, hours of minimum wage.
where they all can compare it to their native costs. where by everyone can buy bitcoin for the same fair amount of time they work at min wage labour value.
it then becomes easier for each countries to then easily compare the value to their local costs.
and all have a fair access to bitcoin..
the negatives are then removed from peoples access to bitcoin due to foolishly high costs to africans but cheap costs to americans. because they would both be on par, the negatives then move to the disruption of forex where people arbitrage and disrupt the FOREX rate to make their profits by cycling between bitcoin->USD->native->bitcoin repeatedly unto a 1USD becomes the same number of minutes as a african native fiat minutes
2000 hours is US $20k (states with $10 min wage)
2000 hours is indian 40,000rupees (20 rupees min wage/hour in Bihar (160 rupees a DAY(8 hours))
meaning an indian and american pay 2000 hours for bitcoin.. which would be fair.
however if you use the old outdated FOREX to express bitcoin in just USD
it converts that BTC is 1,584,173 rupees which is a 39X difference(39.6x more labour for an indian)
so just imagine if it was all expressed in hours..
where an indian can but it for 40,000rupee's sell it to an american for $20k use the $20k on forex to buy 1584173rupee, and then buy 39.6btc.. rinse and repeat
so just imagine if it was all expressed in hours..
where an american uses their $20k on forex to buy 1584173rupee, and then buy 39.6btc.. sell the btc to an american friend/exchange to get $792,086.5 and rinse and repeat
net result is that the USD forex price crashes and the indian rupee price rises until they find equilibrium where on the forex rate 1 indian min wage hour is the same forex rate as 1 american min wage hour.
meanwhile everyone around the world is benefiting. and only the wallstreet forex is getting disrupted and losing out