Part of the problem with getting free energy via electronics signals is, capturing this free electrical energy that is flowing all around us all the time. Part of the reason that everyday people don't have the capability is, we need vacuum tubes for it, and engineering vacuum tubes into advanced forms went away with the advent of the transistor... at least for us little people.
Vacuum tubes can generate much higher frequencies, the kind that are needed to heterodyne to the free electrical energy. An advanced vacuum tube wouldn't necessarily need to be big, using lots of power and creating lots of wasted heat. But we don't have them due to the lack of development because of the transistor.
Some info and comparison between vacuum tubes and transistors -
If we could obtain stable, high frequency control, we would easily be able to capture all the free electrical energy that we wanted. I wonder if electronics experts working for the global elite figured this out long ago, and the elite hid the knowledge under the advancements in transistors (which are far less stable than vacuum tubes most of the time).