Coinsbit offered listing in exchange for $5k
Folgory wants $5k
P2PB2B will do it starting at $2k per month
If we can find this money to pay listing fee, your 391m M2 will be worth x100-1000 overnight because they will also activate cmc tracking after 2 years waiting: don't have $5k because $40k was misappropriated by a relative who used it to pay a house loan instead of transferring from my mothers account to mine, when she sold her flat last summer.
As soon as listing is confirmed I will buyback all waves M2 but I think it must be publically disclosed first otherwise it's insider trading, I don't know.
I don't trust centralized exchanges, after all that bullshit with my ZCash on yobit.
And I don't intend to pay them a cent. Even if I had access to our money, and if it hadn't been stolen here.
If I'll be a millionaire, in the future, but maybe, I won't give them even a cent.
I also have no plans to sell $M2 even when they do x1000.
I remember 0.00054000 WAVES for each museum, and I did not sold no one $M2 on that pump.
Despite the fact that I invested 2 BTC in WavesPlatform, which is about $ 75,000, when I wanted to sell it, but I could not.
After all this, I will only be able to sell a small part of the $M2, for a price higher than a cent.
Just for pocket money, but not everything, and but not for Waves.
I will hold $M2, just because after joining several tables in the database,
it is possible to raise a my own exchange and trade $M2 for any other cryptocurrency that can be mined.
Even on a local network it can be mined, and traded.
Then the price of this asset, $M2, will be grow much higher,
just because capitalization will increase and the markets will expand significantly, and $M2 will be diversified.
But this is a project for several years, maybe decade.
Anyway, I can keep it all my life, because I have a copy of the waves blockchain, and I can rewind this at any block, as I want.