looptrader [12:42 PM]
do you have a Polo ETA
tradesjack [12:42 PM]
@sasha35625: How would a company list themselves on Waves, and what would be the benefit of doing so?
sasha35625 [12:42 PM]
ETA is august
fiat gateways sooner
The ETA was NOT the answer to when Poloniex will list waves! It was in relation to what he typed halfe aminute earlier.
sasha35625 [9:12 AM]
you'll be able to trade waves to USD and BTC directly in the client
sasha35625 [9:12 PM]
ETA is august
fiat gateways sooner
Please don't spread FUD. Thanks
Edit: Ups exedantly copy pasted the chat log from some one else with differnt time zone. Corrected them now