Sending coins from ICO direct to long this process take???
I can not tell you the exact time, but I know that this process will also be in the semi automatic mode and after the team will be sure that everything is working correctly, process will be automatic.
Well it better be bloody "asap" on their this crypto or old FIAT banking system??? If i wanted to wait days to get a transfer I would use FIAT banks. I udnerstand it coming from ICO accoutn and devs have to check shit and whatever...but come on, for advanced crypto tech how is this shit not instant or at least of fast speeds and things (even if from an ico account??). I glad to be in waves and all, lisk even did ok too but very complicated crap. Glad i dont get such goofy crap from good dev coin like wbb
Amazing how you still manage to put random shill bullshit in every single on of your comments.
WBB is a Bitcoin clone, the OS isn't even part of the f**** cryptocurrency.
Sell your WAVES and gtfo from this thread if you don't understand how the ICO site works. Millions of dollars worth of coins are distributed and it needs manual processing, because people fuck up adresses and they would cry 5x hard after losing coins. Sending from a wallet to wallet is just as fast as ETH or
If you want your coins on an exchange the fastest way you can why the fuck do you have coins still on a fucking ICO site. Retards like you should never be active on a tech forum. Giving a negative trust the next time you shill your shitcoin here. This was literally the 15th time I saw WBB or 1ex (WBB's exchange) in your bullshit comments.
Thanks for explanation - nobody explained before. Sorry we are not all pro techie crypto nerds at our PC 24/7 but also trading as we can and learning as we go. If i wanna do that way I can, no time for other method. tech form eh? LOL 90% of posters here posting worse shit than me! I just find out manual process which i found to be a bit silly. No my fault idiots fuck up addresses. Re. wbb I'm just making comparative statement is all for a smaller coin that is making big impact for cryptos vs. all these 'big name' ico's that still have yet deliver. They seem to do very well for volumes tho ironic I wonder why. 1ex v.2 is the self built one, not "random code" as is now. Anyways if not for you then don't bother. Im trusting waves will work very smooth/fast when it's up and running because of power behind it. Just dont need losers dumping to hell.
1) If you are not following the forum thread and you are not reading the information I have seen on every 5th page, why are you jumping to conclusions?
2) If you are not tech oriented why are you trying to sell a project to people in this thread? How are you so sure you can understand what XY project offers or if it runs broken code on shit ideas?
3) You are spreading negativity in this thread while you obviously have no clue how anything crypto related works, you somehow linked the manual processing of the ICO funds from an ICO site to the actual crypto-currency that is called WAVES.
I'm attacking you because you use a form of FUD and negativity to make your shitcoin look better in a topic that's not devoted to fucking advertising, while clearly being clueless. WBB isn't being shit on because there is some form of bitcointalk conspiracy against it, people simply don't care. There is also a good reason it's only traded on minor exchanges.
You are comparing the "big name icos" with your coin. Those are "big name icos" with "big name developers" for a reason. They actually run p2p networks with valuable features (I don't count features valuable which are not part of the protocol, like an OS or an exchange run by a developer).