My first deposit I saw was exactly 1.5 BTC. Probably by one person since the amount was so round. I made a deposit immediately after that, being the 2nd or 3rd person most likely.
I want to reassure everyone that even though I haven't received related payments or WAVES yet, some and lots of people have already. There is most likely a major delay or overloaded right now.
Please be patient and let this process happen naturally. Stressing out over this isn't going to help YOU in any way. Just relax.
The developers are legit. This is not a scam coin. There is solid proof in the pudding that this is 100% legitimate and that you WILL eventually see related payments and waves in your account.
I know everyone's worried about losing their precious and hard earned money because there is already skepticism from this massive delay. I've personally deposited $1100 Canadian dollars (about 2 BTC) and am NOT worried in the least and neither should anyone else be.
We all want reassurance from the team that it's going to be ok, but I assure you 100% that they have MUCH more important things to worry about. This is the biggest day for them thus far and their hands are entirely full. They're stressed out and have been up for probably days to make sure this goes right. Have a little sympathy for the hard working developers and the people that are trying their best to make this happen.
Go grab a coffee, watch a movie, play a game, text your friends. Get your mind off this for now. Come a few hours (or very soon), I'm sure we'll all be reassured.
so the address to check the funds is a ethereum one