Is there anything special about the WAVES' AE or is it basically the same as in NXT ? (NXTs AE works so nothing wrong with that, just trying to get clarification here)
I understand that the big thing about WAVES are supposed to be national currency tokens on the AE right ? What is the plan for getting this bootstraped ? Any institutions in line for doing that ? Maybe the team itself will get a license ?
Lastly, how does anonymity go together with KYC/AML ? Seems contradictory but the "whitepaper" isn't very clear on where privacy features actualy come into play and what they look like so that's why I'm asking (to be frank the whitepaper looks more like a marketing brochure to me. No offense).
Good luck with the ICO !
The Asset Exchange will definitely be superior since users will be able to trade asset-to-asset. This is not possible on the Nxt AE and won't change in the foreseeable future.
The WAVES team is in talks with payment providers so the platform can offer the promised gateways. More about it will be reveiled at a later stage.
The privacy feature is meant to be for the order books, meaning that these are anonymous.
A more technical white paper will be released, no worries.