What good could the WAVES platform serve?Crypto-assets, whose issuance, transfer and trading will be made easier than ever by the WAVES platform, could have many benefits with unprecedented flexibility, but let us focus on a case example here. Assume you want to open an exchange. What does an exchange look like? Like this, for instance:
https://www.bitfinex.com. And what does it do? It allows users to deposit and withdraw money, and with that money, the users are able to trade certain financial instruments. Thus, an exchange is responsible for two things:
1) Assuring that the users' money is fully backed up, not stolen, not accessed by anyone else than the users themselves.
2) Matching "buy" and "sell" orders to allow trading.
For the second purpose, the exchange will need a software which is called a trading platform framework. The exchange, then, either needs a developer team to code the software or it has to buy one. Writing a fully functional trading platform is not an easy work, but writing a SECURE trading platform is even harder. Amid the hackers who are ready to attack the system, the exchange would be left sleepless in the best scenario. 2-factor-authenticators, high advanced anti-spam filters and many more are necessary to secure such a system, and still one should hope for the best. Remember what happened to Mt.Gox, and that will be more than enough as an example. The second option is to buy a trading platform such as this one:
http://www.modulusglobal.com/products/trading-platforms. If you think they're selling this for less than $30K, you're wrong. So well, among all things, you need to spend more than 30 grands for the trading platform.
On the other hand, there is a completely free a provably secure version of this platform: WAVES. With WAVES, you will only need to issue your crypto-assets in the platform so as to make them available for trading. You may also issue your own USD-token for your customers. So, this will enable you to focus on the first purpose, which is to assure that the users' money is there. And the WAVES platform has an advantage with that, too. If you want to open a traditional exchange, the users' money will be stored in their online accounts as e-money. How about hackers? Well, those hackers will inevitably attack their accounts to steal the funds. That happened many times, and sometimes even the exchange itself was blamed to steal the funds; BTC-e is an example. With WAVES, on the other hand, the e-money, that is, the crypto-USD, will be held in the customers' decentralized wallet with provably higher security than any existing centralized system.
All in all, with WAVES, the exchange may focus on the market making process and evade all the unnecessary problems which it would have to deal with in the case of the centralized scenario. Not only could the WAVES platform reduce the starting costs of an exchange, but also it provides built-in security and functionality.
This is just one example among the innumerable use cases of the WAVES platform.