Hi. Because payments has not been processed. Payments are processed after complete accumulation of a sufficient number of requests and only manually. This process usually takes a few weeks, so please wait.
ICO payments will be processed from this address: http://www.wavesgo.com/account.html?3PAWwWa6GbwcJaFzwqXQN5KQm7H96Y7SHTQ
But, If you want, we can process your request personally. For this please send me PM with: Screenshot of ICO account / Waves address / Email.
What the FUCK is going on @WavesHQ???
We should NOT be in this position 12mths on, this is complete fucking bullshit!
i am sorry but do you know where you invest you money ?? no !!!
Sasha had never done any serious project before ..
All this hype on ico ....was...."artificial"....and on ico's day one ...friends of sasha "invest".....and then took there money back....
Sasha can't run a kiosk ...how you think will run a 30k btc start up?? lol just sale now you can...soon waves will go under 10k sat...
so will take some time to go where rise is !!
You must be close "friend" to Sasha to know all this things... Do you run a kiosk for him if he can´t do it or what?