Is it true that ethereum is finally on waves platform it's in dashboard that means we can now receive and send ethereum using our waves wallet?
I need first a confirmation that they do include ethereum in their platform so I can send some
Yes, you can send and receive Ethereum to and from the Ethereum blockchain into the Wave's blockchain and in your Wave's wallet via a gateway now. You can also send it directly to another account within Waves once you have the wETH tokens.
And you can trade wETH on the DEX vs wBTC, wUSD, wEURO, WAVES, and many other tokens...Your wETH balance will show up in the front page of Wave's LiteClient lobby and in "portfolio" tab.
I recommend the Wave's Chrome Liteclient wallet over the personally, but who knows...
If you want to trade it you need .003 Waves for the fee though, otherwise you'll get an error when placing the trade...So grab some free waves from a faucet first, or ask someone in slack/telegram and they'll send you to get started!
To send wETH costs .001 Waves fee at the moment.
Hopefully that helps you out with some doubts...Welcome!