Waves stays at 30k and no news.
I think it will go back down. The rise was nothing but merely a pump. But it seems the pumpers are not around anymore so expect it to be under 30k in the next few weeks.
Or 300k you never know, you are pretty stupid, in the last hours more than 300k waves were dumped, and any of that Waves are on the sell side, now tell me who are buying all that waves.
Please dont create panic in this thread. dolores12 fan.
Yeah, the dream of a pump to the moon. Every Altcoins Forums Dream with pusher to keep the spirit alive. Guys wake up, there will be no epic pump or something, or it would have happened already.
Investors see the potential and then they invest, but as they didnt invest they dont see that in waves, just all the coinflippers went hard into Waves. Thats plain logic. Investors are not waiting to see the network running on scorex, they see the potential and then they pump. But Waves they dumped and were shorting down to 20k.
And Sasha can NOT still get a network running and its middle of July! There are no technical updates or whatever, just scam news from paid newspartners as core media or themerkle. I bet, there will be no network runningn until end of summer. He promised you wide trading on different exchanges and all you got is the smallest exchange, because there is NO network running, just one node!
Sasha is lying to you as he always did, I know that from his other projects. Delays, no information, fake news... it hillerious how he keep it repeating with Waves too. Be warned, dont let the scammer do his job again with promises he cant hold!The other indication is there is no interest from investors, as there is NO VOLUME in this coin. They collected 30k btc, but trading 0,3k a day! Thats not interesting for whales to play with this coin. Look at STEEM, its also only listed on bittrex as waves but having 10x more volume. Sell Waves out as we are now still at the top of the pump.
Everyone who is afraid of panic, there is no need for panic. I am sure alot of people can get out slowly until it goes down again to 20k.
Sasha, Where is the network you promised to launch on the 14th June! one month ago? Everyone believed you AGAIN