Funny as it sounds, I actually like alot that waves team isn't too bothered with this. Seems they have more important things to do
They have, GitHub shows there's a lot of coding going on, the team is growing, Waves NG launch has a set date, a lot to come.
I don't think many people understand the importance of Waves NG yet. It will be a gamechanger and will alow an amount of transactions per second Bitcoin can only dream of.
With ~1000 transactions per second, an ICO with 50,000 participants could be transfered in less than a minute.
Currently, the Ethereum network comes to a halt when you try to do that.
And I don't think ~1000 tx/s is the limit, it should be scalable in the future.
And don't forget the new Waves DEX. It will really create a moonbase for Waves.