I've been wanting that for a really long time, my Telegram is an unreliable mess so I don't use it because the notifications is broken even though I've already allowed all notifications on it. Maybe we'll get that someday but I'm not sure that we're ready for how will the notifications work and to deal with them.
What you say about your mess just shows you as a person who does not keep order. Now that Telegram has become very convenient, it is possible to disable unnecessary messages and send them to the archive, and for important cases, notification works very well.
I think that every user, at least once a day, if they are active on the forum, visits their page, and there it is quite easy to see any changes that might have occurred. This is especially true for negative reviews from DT. They are usually noticed very quickly. I think such little things as viewing your reviews must be entrusted to the user; otherwise, we all turn into lazy creatures who once again find it difficult to do something on our own.