That's why buying at these prices feels like a toe in the door.
I've stated this theorem before but...
I feel that the general solution that Bitcoin provides is of high enough universal value so that each BTC could command a rarely dreamed of value. Thus, a few bucks worth of BTC could be plenty to capitalize (a 'foot in the door' if you will.) BUT there are a lot of things that could stand in the way of Bitcoin 'taking off'.
I've always considered my speculation in Bitcoin to be one of likely total loss, but with an outside possiblity of incredible gain. Probably anyone interested enough to be on the forum at all would do well to get a bit of Bitcoin before losing interest and wandering off just in case. Just don't lose the secret key...
I personally have a non-trivial amount of USD converted to BTC, but this fairly strong position has as much to do with political factors as it does speculation. It'll be mostly an 'accident of fate', if Bitcoin 'goes a little' and I do OK by virtue of my overly strong position.