Shut up... You guys are so dumb you are feeding scammers it gives them a reason to come back and steal more of our money. Its not a new program its the same guy who changed the website name ! Holy shit you people are like zombies.
Its alright mate, let them be. Those who continue to feed deserve to get burnt. Once BitFast is down then you will see another sad ass loser creating another thread announcing Bitfast has scammed. Its a never ending circle.
I guess your right, its just so difficult to sit here and watch these scammers get away with this. I had to learn the hard way over the past month I've lost about $200 maybe more to these scammers on here and various other HYIP's. Now I know there are no legit HYIPs or investor based "games" they will all scam you at one point or another, your better off playing a dice game because at least on those sites you can pick the risk you want and the reward and you don't have to wait days to find out if you win or lose it takes literally seconds to see if you ROI'd or lost money. Every time I invested in a investment program I always thought this is the one thats going to be legit and last a year and make me some real money, but nope every time you lose, lose, lose. First it was BTC-MONO, then it was BTCFLEX then it was PERFECTHASH, then it was MUTUALTRUST, then it was COINBOOSTER, then it was JDBPLATFORM, then it was BITHOURLER, then it was CRYPTOHOURLY, then it was BTCGROW, and I'm sure I forgot at least one or two, each time they scammed out and stole my money, I didn't make money on any single one of those programs... Yeah maybe sometimes there are those people who chime in after it scams out and say well I don't care I made ROI. Half the time those people are lying and they just want to make it seem like they made out with some money when everyone else lost to make themselves feel special in reality the amount of people that make out with some profit is probably about 10% and even if the program seems sustainable the ADMIN will become greedy and steal all the money and the program will collapse. But like I said that's why it is the same as a dice game, only with these the time is longer, the rewards are less and the probability of loosing everything is extremely high, so the odds are not in your favor at all. I have some money in Maxizzy that ones been around for like 200 days but the rates are low and I also have money in ore-mine they've been around for a very long time as well but again the rates are so low that it kind of evens out and eventually those will probably scam out too. After those fall I don't ever want to touch one of these programs again, especially when the guy running the program(BITFAST) is the same guy that scammed us on BTCGROW, hes getting bold making BTCPROFIT and BITFAST now, guess he got a taste of all the free money... So that is why I am here warning these zombies who just hand over their hard earned money to scum bags, but obviously they don't want to hear it, Back to the stock brokerage for me or buying gold/silver or just saving my money haven't decided yet.... In about a month all you newbies on here will see exactly what I'm talking about and you'll be like I should have listened I could have saved myself a lot of money...