Whoa, chill out bro, making your font size 72p doesn't make you more credible. Quite the opposite, in fact.
Had some free time, so let's leave here some contradictory stuff you've said..
Archived thread, Archived Thread 2the price will be initialized at 1$
(from your Shitpaper)
We never mentioned anything about the 5 million dollars , it's way lower than that .
- We are not raising 5 million usd , it depends on the ethereum price (about 100k) . 60% of the money will go to campaigns , covid19 related or not . That means even after the covid19 ends , it will go to other campaigns , all this is done through open source contracts that we have no control of , that means the money wil be transferred automatically .
- It's true the website name is covid19 , but we are changing it to our platform name 'covgrow' once it's deployed .
- We chose the name as a niche , bitcoin name was chosen after bits (just a guess) , dogecoin was chosen after a meme , we didn't choose the name because we wanted to cure or to donate to covid patients , it was just a niche and it's just the 'COV' part .
- The platform isn't about corona or viruses , it's about creating a transparent platform for campaigns that enables people to donate to charities and startups in a transparent and automated way.
- 100k is not much for you, is it? Like heh, even if you wanted to scam us, it would be
just 100k, srsly guys.. All money will MAGICALLY go from us to some charities! I guess you've invented a smart contract so good and intelligent it does all this with no way of you scamming
- Well, didn't you just say there's no link to COVID-19? Now you admit the website name is COVID19, the coin name is CovCoin, this shitty Covgrow is in your Whitepaper... no link to COVID tho.. maybe Covgrow comes from "Growing our pockets thanks to COVID"
- DOGE is a meme. COVID is a disease people die from, you retard. And you're trying to take advantage of it.
- Why do you keep repeating it a thousand times and keep trying to explain yourself? The platform's NAME itself is related to it.
You should learn some manners of speaking , neither the less:
- the project has nothing to do with covid19 , it was only mentioned once : '60% of the crowdfunding is used to charities AND covid19 cause'. We used the name covcoin because the airdrop helped people stay at home.
- We can change the name , but that wouldn't matter . Once the outbreak gets resolved , the name will be quite normal to use . people won't even notice it's related to corona because 'COV' is not that related.
You should learn some English 'cause your whitepaper grammar is shit, neither the less:
- check the image below
- You can change the name, but that wouldn't matter after you scam us. Once the outbreak gets resolved , the scammers (you) will go back to living a normal life . people won't even notice.
BTW: "
COVID" comes from Corona Virus Disease. COV is very related to the virus, bro.
Now check out this image from your "official Twitter page", is this shit big enough for your eyes to see it's related to the virus?