I just googled the return percentage of online casinos and saw different percentages that doesn't seem real. A slot machine can be written to pay out 98%, but its programmed to pay 90% and it's publicized that way to attract more people to play using that slot. Though one slot could be paying out that amount in the casino, yet my point is that no casino offers 100 percent payout that means if a slot pays out 94 percent for every 100 dollar bill spent on that machine the player losses 6$ to the casino. That is if you play longer times you'll lose, and we can almost never stay atop of the slot machines after long period of plays, unless you win a jackpot. Even if you win a huge amount, you can lose. They are numerous stories of people who won the jackpot and ended up spending the whole money back on the casino within a short period, 1 or 2 years, they lost the jackpot.
Isn't it?
My way to gamble (if i play with slots) is to play few big bets and quit. I always decide the number beforehand. In other words, i am trusting my luck. And i know my luck is going to run out if i try some tactic where i try to outsmart the casino and play the long game.
So i either win or lose, i don't need to bother myself thinking if i would have lost or won the next bet when i have set my limit beforehand. I won't be chacing the jackpot. It will come to me if i am lucky enough.