Both hilariousandco and mprep have been mods during my entire 7+ years on the forum. I can't help but think that, with the exception of dealing with giveaways, moderation is loosening to the point where it is encouraging a new wave of spammers on the forum.
While I already recognize staff members more easily than I did a couple of months ago, I wasn't sure what the full list was. Your thread made me search for some sort of page where we could see who, in fact, is actively part of staff as of today (or at least very recently). I've found this thread -
List of the forum's admins/ global moderators/ staffs - by @tranthidung that was recently updated (at least May 2021). I think it gives everyone who reads this thread a full scope of how the "board" of staff is actually composed of.
I can't help but think that, with the exception of dealing with giveaways, moderation is loosening to the point where it is encouraging a new wave of spammers on the forum.
Ever since I've came back more activelty to the forum I've been doing my best to report every kind of thread / spammer that I see "being born" in the new threads - and I must say that albeit I have a very small number of good reported posts (around 370ish) I do have the feeling that if I dedicated a full day to the activity that number would for sure increase (the overall nº of reports, without saying that it's going to be for sure a good report). If we take a look at within the past 3 months we've got 93,102 active profiles. If we assume that 5 % (don't know how accurate this would be, sadly I don't think it may be this high but I would like to be wrong on this one) of those users - +-4,655 - dedicate some of their time to report threads/posts, I can't even imagine how does the moderation inbox looks like for the previously mentioned staff members. Add to that task the needed attention/dedication that they have to take in account regarding other activities (like you said giveaways and such) and they can be, indeed, few when compared with the overall work that they must have at hands.
A new global mod wouldn't be such a bad idea as they could pick up slack in other areas without a moderator, like P&S. I really can't think of a downside to adding new blood to the administration... things seem a bit stale up there.
I honestly don't have a clue in what the optimum number of global moderators should be - mainly because I don't know what KPI's one should follow in order to justify the addition/removal of them. Here's my brainstorming of ideas on this subject:
- Should we look for daily number of threads being created vs. the amount of reports being generated?
- The nº of days/hours that it takes to handle unhanded reports?
- Time that it takes to reply to a staff message from a member? Extend this to the time that it takes to solve the issue/problem that the user lifted?
- Number of active discussions/threads being generated per day?
- Number of replies to threads so that one can understand how each thread is evolving and if it could be derailing in some point (this is a shi**y KPI I think)
Again, if I was a moderator of a forum, I would base the decision to add a new member if I though that the KPI's that I and my team had established for it weren't being satisfied - which would have a direct impact on the well-being of the community. I think that an interesting question would be :
What do the moderators/staff feel? I think that we often have so much discussions about everything, that we often may overlook (not on purpose of course) the "burden" that they must feel from time to time regarding the effort that it takes to run this forum. It's a similar feeling to being a merit source I believe - one has the power/responsibility to distribute merits to good threads / replies but I don't think it's an easy task. What I do believe is that the actual constant search for those same threads/replies can also be exhaustive - on one hand we have the amount of merits to distribute, but on the other we can't simply give them blindly - that's why I also think being a merit source isn't all lights and whistles. I've had at least a conversation about this with a merit source that feels like this, but I believe he/she isn't the only one.
So yeah, jumping back to my conclusion, I think it would be interesting to have a feeling of what the staff feels. Like having a "State of Affairs bitcointalk 2021" - nothing too fancy, just an overall of how the community has grew in the past year, the challenges that were faced and so on.