blocks are only on average 10% filled. we should NOT be changing the protocol to feed greedy miners.
they are already denying transactions to force fee's. we should STOP that practice.
miners jobs are to process transactions. the REWARD is their wage. miners should not deny transactions because that should NOT be their job, and they should definitely NOT be given a bonus ( a fee ) as a prize for their practices.
It's capitalism at work.
If bitcoin actually grew big, you can bet your ass there'd be visa/mastercards of the bitcoin world charging a % transaction fee or they'll reject it.
Miners jobs are to make money for themselves. Nobody invested millions into mining hardware to process transactions for free for other people. Get your facts straight. I understand you're one of the delusional ones who doesn't see the realities of the world, but this is it.
Adding trasactions to a block does not increase the time required to mine it.
The miners are not charging fees, people are voluntarily adding fees to their transactions to decrease the time for their transaction to get into a block. The protocol is design with a limited block space which limits blockchain size and spam transaction while creating a competitive market for block space. This allows the miners to be paid and a service to be rendered. If users could change their fees after they sent the coins before the transaction confirmed it would allow them a further choice to change how much they want to spend to increase their transaction priority. This would free promote the free market of bitcoin trasactions.
P.S. How did we get so far off topic?
@ OP, This sounds like a very good idea. I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement but I have an idea. If the handling of the trasaction pool was changed so that if any transactions meeting the following criteria were found then it would drop the transaction with the lower fee.
1. The coins come from the same inputs.
2. The coins go to the same outputs
3. The amounts in the inputs and outputs are identical execpt for the difference due to the fee.
I reallize this wouldn't work in all cases, but it is a step to creating a working implementation of this idea. Then all that's needed is to add a button/tab/etc in bitcoin core which allows the rebroadcasting of transactions with higher fees.
P.P.S. Sorry about any typos, was typing in a rush.
EDIT: Ment to add this to backup my argument. It explains how fees and priority affect whether a transaction is included in the next block.