Please read this entire thread:;topicseenEverything that could possibly be said on this subject has already been said in that thread.
Why not just resurrect that thread instead of starting a new one?
Here is/was
my opinion from that thread:
1 bit is also 1/8 of one USD.
Seeing all the hoopla over BTC versus XBT I would support the following:
1 BTC = 1 Bitcoin = same as it ever was
1 XBT = 1 Bit = 0.000001 BTC
1000000 XBT (Bit) = 1 BTC (Bitcoin)
I would be behind this 100% as it "fixes" the whole BTC/XBT issue and give those who have been worried about the size of the BTC something to use.
Bit is fine. In fact there is already a very famous song about it "shave and a haircut, two bits". That should be our goal. Bitcoin acceptance to the level that a shave and a haircut costs two bits.
Everyone who agrees just needs to start using it, explaining it, publishing it, correcting other (anoying them), etc. It will either catch on or it won't. This is what I hope catches on:
1 satoshi = smallest unit, pretty much in general use today
= "bitcents" also makes some sense and may catch on and evolve back into cents (1/100th)
1 bit = 100 satoshi, eventually every day use, coffee, sandwiches, etc.
1 XBT = 1 bit, should be the official symbol on all exchanges, forex, etc.
1 BTC = 1000000 bits = kept for dealing with larger amounts, may fade
1 Bitcoin/bitcoin as a currency unit fades away
Bitcoin = the Bitcoin protocol
If you look at my post history on this subject you would find that I mostly thought the idea of any renaming was stupid and not needed.
That is, until I started talking to people and did run into "Bitcoins are way too expensive" over and over again.
Logically it makes no sense but I could sell a boatload of bits at 2500 bits per dollar to the general public and could see the price rising pretty quickly to 1000 bits per dollar over the next few months.
It is not logical but I have come to the conclusion that the general public is not logical when it comes to money.
When introduced to the idea "1 bit = 100 satoshi", without exception, everyone I have talked to has just lit up, understood it and are now running with the idea to all their friends.
That is how you accomplish this. Just do it. Everyone will thank you later.
1 XBT = 1 bit = 100 satoshis
1 BTC = 1000000 XBT = shorthand used in larger transactions