*Thread is self moderated so that I can remove unnecessary posts made people in the campaign posting here.*Hi we are
UpDown.BT (
[Thread]) and we're here to pay you for your signature.
— Bitcoin Foundation Gold Member —(More details here:
Payouts:Hero members0.0014BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
Sr. member0.0012BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
Full Members0.0008BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
Members0.0006BTC Per constructive post. 50 posts min per month.
Newbies and Jr members cannot join this campaign.
Terms:Traffic must be
productive in users joining and making bets to participate in this program.
No spam or rubbish posts, max 3000 posts per month.
Posts with:— Trolling
— Bumping
— Spamming
— Agree with
— Single image
— And not related to the thread
1 account per person allowed. You should have zero or positive trust and not be labelled as a scammer on this board. Violators of this rules will be banned from this program and all payments lost.
You can only have only our advertisement in the signature with the link. Nothing else. No other advertising or personal links etc.
How to enroll in the program:Post count starts when we see your signature with your bitcoin address. Previous posts do not count. There is no rollover.
Every month starts at zero in counts.
You will be automatically enrolled month to month. No need to apply every month. We have the right to terminate this program at anytime with 1 weeks notice. If you remove the signature before the month is up, you forfeit all btc payments for posts.
Post your bitcoin address for payments up on this board. With your starting post.
If you edit this original post YOU WILL NOT RECEIVE PAYMENT.
If the original post you made signing up has an edit image next to it, you will be disqualified & NOT PAID.
We pay more than anyone here!
To current members:To continue in our program, you don't need to reapply. It's automatic.
Payments will be made every 10th (1 month and 2 days from now)
Payments will be made as fast as possible within a few days
, all posts during the payment period count!
Signatures you may use:Members: ↑↓ UpDown.BT | Bet on Gold/Oil/Currencies with Bitcoin | No Deposit, Instant Payouts [Thread][url=https://updown.bt/] ↑↓ UpDown.BT | Bet on Gold/Oil/Currencies with Bitcoin | No Deposit, Instant Payouts[/url] [url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/updownbt-binary-options-instant-bets-payouts-in-60sec-bcf-gold-member-578682][Thread][/url]
Full Members:▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁
◄◄ ↑ UpDown.BT ↓ Bet on Gold/Oil/Currencies like a Boss ↑ [Thread] ↓ ►►
[b] [color=#D957A9]◄[/color][color=#B17DDB]◄[/color] [url=https://updown.bt/][b][color=#07008C]↑ UpDown.BT ↓[/color][/b] [color=#000]Bet on [color=#DBA72C]Gold[/color]/Oil/[color=#0E6303]Currencies[/color] like a Boss[/color][/url][/b] [url=https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/updownbt-binary-options-instant-bets-payouts-in-60sec-bcf-gold-member-578682][color=#07008C]↑ [Thread] ↓[/color] [color=#728BDB]►[/color][color=#72B8DB]►[/color][/url]
Senior or Hero Members:Bet on Gold/Oil/Currencies in Style | Instant Payouts | #1 Bitcoin Binary OptionsUPDOWN.BT ►►
[url=https://updown.bt/][color=black][font=Helvetica, Arial][b]Bet on Gold/Oil/Currencies in style | [color=#6269C4]Instant Payouts[/color] | [color=#6E33D4]#1 Bitcoin Binary Options[/color][/b][/font][/color][/url]
[size=22pt][font=Arial][url=https://updown.bt/][b][color=#D957A9]U[/color][color=#B17DDB]P[/color][color=#6269C4]D[/color][color=#728BDB]OW[/color][color=#3573B5]N[/color][color=#6E33D4].BT [color=#B17DDB]►[/color][color=#6269C4]►[/color][/b][/url][/font][/size]
*Once again, this is a signature campaign I am running on behalf of updown.bt, dont ask question specifically about the site
Now go out and make those posts count, constructively of course!