Let us look closely on data, I have summarized the data from one of the report http://publications.credit-suisse.com/tasks/render/file/index.cfm?fileid=AD783798-ED07-E8C2-4405996B5B02A32E .
The inequality is calculated by using mean wealth divide with median wealth. If you learn math before, you should know what is mean and median and hence inequality can be calculated from those two values.
Country Median Mean Inequality
1. United States $ 44,977 $344,692 7.66
2. Denmark $ 52,279 $259,816 4.97
3. Germany $ 42,833 $185,175 4.32
4. Austria $ 52,519 $206,002 3.92
5. Israel $ 54,384 $176,263 3.24
6. Kuwait $ 40,803 $119,038 2.92
7. Finland $ 52,427 $146,733 2.80
8. Canada $ 96,664 $270,179 2.80
9. Taiwan $ 63,134 $172,847 2.74
10. Singapore $101,386 $276,885 2.73
11. United Kingdom $107,865 $288,808 2.68
Wow, the inequality of united states is 54.12 % higher than denmark. It is clearly state that citizen of usa, please ask your representtives to do and act with actions! ! !
that tell you a lot why their debt is so high, it mean that the rich people are evading taxes without problem and the debts is raising fast because of their bad behaviour, rich are getting more richer in USA than other country, this would be good to compare with bitcoin inequality, i'm sure bitcoin is better now with all the distribution