The mindset of rich people who are successful from zero is truly extraordinary, they are able to take advantage of every opportunity that exists and also see the risks of every decision they take down to the very details. Liability assets such as luxury cars, luxury motorbikes, expensive watches will not make them easily tempted, even if they waste their money on going to nightclubs or other glamorous lives, it feels like it's hard for them to do. having investment assets that provide long-term profits, active profits and passive profits are also important, now I have started to try to get them as quickly as possible, who knows the future, only great people prepare themselves for the worst in the future.
I think that's the difference between people who got richer later in life and people who were born rich. I believe that when you are born rich, you can't really imagine a life being poor, and that is why you take more risks, which could lead you to be even richer of course, Elon Musk was a super wealthy person even before any of this, his father owned diamond mines in Africa, dude was never a poor person, he had money anytime he really wanted to, but he just didn't want to.
However, it could also lead you to do something stupid and lose all your money, because you are willing to take that risk, you end up being a lot worse. This means that you need to end up with a situation where you could cause a lot of trouble for a lot of people. Poor to rich is different, you know the risks, you know the life, so you be a lot more careful.