By the way, to keep this game active and growing, you can put a link on your sig and start replying back to other threads/topics. This will attract new faces which will only snowball if they put it on their sig as well. =]
However, if we keep new people coming in, we'll all get paid.
Not really, this will just delay the inevitable. The longer it goes on, the more difficult it will become to keep the game going, and this difficulty will go up exponentially. Unless we have round ends, will slow to a stop.
An idea I think would be nice is if instead of at the end, all of the current pot going to the last person to put a transaction in, it could all be split among those who had not yet been paid out. Instead of all the last payers losing everything, and having people rushing to get in the last transaction so they'd get the biggest payout of all, everyone who hadn't gotten their payout would at least get something back, even if it wasn't the amount they put in. (FYI, not saying this from a sore loser perspective, so far I've never lost.)