Think twice about it. Is 25% of your weekly income an amount you can afford to lose? If you proceed with this plan and an emergency suddenly arises, would you not be forced to liquidate your Bitcoin profitable or otherwise? Is your job even stable? If you lose it, will you be able to survive for several months looking for a new one while keeping your portfolio intact?
I hope you've carefully weighed the possibilities before you decided on this. There are some who are too hot, too eager to jump into the bandwagon only to end up frustrated after waiting for months or years to make a good profit. They're mostly the ones who will sell at a loss.
That’s the essence of invest what you can afford to lose. Setting aside 25% of your income might feel high, especially if you’re not making that much. But ultimately, it’s up to each of us how much risk we’re comfortable with, if you really believe in Bitcoin, going all-in could make sense, even if it’s not typically advised.
25% of one's income sounds too high indeed, especially in these modern times when credit has become a common practice and people have become accustomed to living beyond their means.
But the decision suggested by the OP, like many others, depends on the personal financial situation. It can be a good strategy not only for those who have no debt to pay and are able to save more than that 25% every month, but also for those who are used to spend that money on consumer goods and other dispensable vices, if they manage to get through without them.
If I had to choose, I'd honestly prefer to be more minimalist and invest in Bitcoin for a (who knows) dear life, than to be a consumerist in debt with no illusions of the future.