I said if I were to start a server farm it would be different if you had bothered to read. I provide a lot of value to my company but they dont give a shit and wages have been frozen across the board to the "economy". It doesn't matter if I started a division of the company, made a lab and bring in 30k per month profit because they are greedy pricks. Venture capitalists are this way and that is all there is to it. They exploit everyone at every opportunity. You sure are making one hell of an ass out of yourself by trying to insinuate that I must be worthless somehow and that you are better than me. You must be very popular at parties.
Start your own company. The world doesn't cater to your every whim. Venture Capitalist are the only reason you live in a world as advanced as ours.
I wasn't aware that this forum is now called "how to be popular at parties."