There are bugs in weekly ponzi to be sure. 1Excalibur took full advantage of one such bug or feature.
There was a 0fee TX one level above the deposit into WP and a later TX become confirmed, a feature in bitcoin where one can (re)spend coins if they are not yet confirmed. This nullified the chain, deleting it. This wasn't a slow process at all, it took 10s of hours.
can you explain more clearly this process?
p.s. by the way, when i had unconfirmed tx from op i decided to move confirmed funds to another btc address.1-2-3
i can`t understand why but there 0 btc in last btc address (i sent it there from second (but in history there`s no such tx). according to blockchain all fund in 2nd.
but, if to see adress in blockchain, all is fine (my payment got confimed), if to see in i still have unconfirmed tx. can you tell me when all my tx become confirm and i can use it?
p.p.s sorry for my english
Documented part of bitcoin protocol, there should be a translation for your language.