Very cool!
I am no artist but I had DTP as one of my minor credits in college and that was eons ago. I remember corel being very hard to use. Or maybe it was just my silly ass that was not used to the software. I thought it was some weird unknown software that only colleges and universities used. Surprised to see it mentioned by you here.
Not to hijack OKEAH's thread, but yes, especially in the direct-to-print world. I think people forget about it because Adobe Illustrator is seen more often due to Adobe's own prevalence.
When I used to do work in-house for print shops, many of them used Corel Draw due to a matter of personal taste. The learning curve is a lot less steep than Illustrator and there's less bloat which can mean faster production and able to work on lower-spec machines, if they must.
I'm an Illustrator person, myself; but Corel Draw has a place in my heart.